Hydrogen for the Energy Transition: Power-to-x
In Kooperation mit
Kopernikus Projekt "P2X"
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Dr. Christiane Averbeck
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Dr. Kerstin Wiesner-Fleischer
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Dr. Stefan Kaufmann
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Heino von Meyer
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Jeanette Uhlig
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Marten Sprecher
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Prof. Dr. Kurt Wagemann
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Prof. Dr. Michael Sterner
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Prof. Dr. Walter Leitner
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Viviane Raddatz
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Katharina Heckendorf
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120 min
Klima und Energie

Hydrogen for the Energy Transition: Power-to-x

© Huangyifei / iStock / Getty Images

Welcome to the WWF Academy’s course “Hydrogen for the Energy Transition and Climate Change Mitigation – Power-to-X”. 


The scientific term for converting electricity into chemical substances is Power-to-X. This translates as: electricity (power) is converted to X. This can produce different outputs. X stands for the end product. For example, Power-to-Gas, Power-to-Chemicals and Power-to-Fuel.

But what does this have to do with hydrogen? What does hydrogen have to do with the energy transition and reaching the climate targets? Will we be able to drive zero-emissions cars in the future and fly as often as we want with a clear conscience? Will heating and industry be able to make do without gas? How is hydrogen produced and what opportunities does it offer our world? You will find answers to these questions in this course.

Renowned experts share their knowledge with you and give you an overview of the current status of hydrogen use and Power-to-X technologies.

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